hi there!

most ppl call me pup! hello hi!

i am a small* gay girl who also has a lot of weird speech mannerisms. i like weird niche things in videogames (mostly glitches, oops) and also soft n gentle stuff!

*i'm actually 6'4", but... this contributes to a lot of dysphoria :x


-generalized anxiety disorder (i panic real easily in social scenarios especially...)
-autism (i'm super-awful at reading scenarios... s-sorry!)
-PTSD (bad memories thanks to a horrible family that i only got away from in 2015...)
-bipolar disorder (boy, is this one a doozy... my brain isn't very good at handling any time when i'm down...)
-ADHD (where did my phone go? i had it like five seconds ago???? *casually destroys bedroom trying to find it*)


-fibromyalgia (a family history of it, and it gets really REALLY bad when i'm panicking to the point where it's difficult to move at all)
-on HRT (i consider it somewhat of a physical hurdle, because during warm weather i get horribly dehydrated thanks to spiro)
-asthma (i live in a neightborhood that's nothing but hills. it is hell)

please tag

-any sort of abuse (preferably w/ just #abuse) (even if u don't follow anything else pls follow this)
-#transphobia (mostly when it gets REALLY awful, as in "TERF doing hardcore gaslighting/threatening" is when it's real bad)
-#ableism (if u haven't noticed i am not the most able-minded or -bodied of ppl)

what's that "rot13" up top?

vg'f sbe fgenatr naq rapelcgrq fghss, yvxr guvf!


rot13 is a really easy way to quickly hide text, so it's unreadable, but still very easily unencryptable. this is a good thing for if you want to make sure only ppl who specifically want to read a thing knowing the warnings can!

if you see a bunch of jumbly text, similar to the last question's answer, then rot13 might be what you need to use it!

will you accept my follow request on twitter?

this is a very case-by-case basis. sometimes i trust a whole lot of people, sometimes i trust very, very few people. sorry!